Turku ♥ Frontend

Code in the Dark, 15.2.2024

We are organizing a Code in the Dark event on Thursday, February 15th 2024 17-20.30 at SparkUp (Tykistökatu 4B) and you're invited to join!

What's Code in the Dark?

Code in the Dark is a fun programming competition where teams of developers aim to replicate given screenshots with just HTML, CSS and assets within a short time frame - with a twist.

What makes this event so unique is that during the development of the challenges, developers cannot preview their output. They are, in the dark.

Each round lasts 15 minutes and at the end of it, the audience gets to vote which team managed to do the best job. We have a round of applauds, maybe a few laughs at the unintentional tiny mistakes that completely wreck the layout and then we move on to the next round.

The winning team also receives a small prize each round.

Developers' screens are mirrored so that the audience sees everything the developers are writing in real time.

While Code in the Dark is technically a competition, it's not that serious.

How you can join?

You can join the event either by finding some friends and signing up as a team of 2-3 people via this Google form or you can join as a member of the audience via Meetabit.

What do you need to bring with you?

For teams participating in the competition, you need to bring a laptop that has a web browser installed and an adapter that lets us connect it to HDMI (unless there's an HDMI port in your laptop). We'll be using an online code editor for the competition so there's no need to install any other specific apps.

If you're participating as an audience member, you don't need to bring anything.


This event is made possible by the support of SparkUp, Kipinä Software and Arado. Huge thanks to all of them for helping us make this event a reality.